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Basic Guide to Longboard Maintenance

May 4, 2023

Take care of your longboard and it will take care of you!

Your longboard may need some basic maintenance periodically to keep you cruising comfortably and in style.

Don’t stress, this is not hard and doesn’t take much time.

In this blog we discuss the basic maintenance of specific parts of your longboard.  If you are new to longboarding or need a refresher on the longboard parts, check out these articles from Longboard USA and Concrete Waves for an easy to understand breakdown of a longboard.

Board Storage

Keep your Deviate longboard stored in a dry place.  Don’t leave it outside in the elements – this will damage the deck, can cause corrosion on the hardware, trucks, bearings, etc.  All of this is bad for that smooth fun ride you expect from a Deviate longboard.

If you ride your longboard in wet conditions, take a moment to dry it off before you store it.  Wipe down the deck, trucks, etc.

Regular Maintenance

Before you head out on your next longboard adventure, take a minute to inspect your longboard to make sure everything is as it should be.

Hardware – Check that the hardware is properly tightened.  If anything is loose, grab your skate tool, and adjust as needed.

Deck – Check the deck for any cracks, splintering or other damage from your last ride.  If anything looks off, address the issue.  If you are unsure, feel free to reach out to us for advice / help.

Grip – Deviate longboards come with Lucid light grip (not grip tape). Keep your grip clean and avoid mud, dirt and other debris from building up in the grip.  Buildup will impact the longevity and effectiveness of the grip.  The easiest way to clean dirty grip is with a little warm soapy water and a soft scrub brush.  Give your longboard a light scrub, rinse and then pat dry with a towel will keep your deck looking great and your grip performing.  If you notice some of the grip has worn away, don’t stress.  Lucid sells small kits to repair the grip and has great tutorial videos on how to apply the grip.  Check them out here.

Bearings – Your bearings will need some periodic cleaning and lubrication.  The more you ride, the dirtier they get which impacts how well your wheels roll.  There are tons of great resources on-line on how to clean and lubricate your bearings.  Check out a few here, here and here.

Wheels – Wheels generally last a long time.  Occasionally, they can chip from rough terrain, riding or wear down from carving and sliding.  If a wheel looks cracked or there is a chunk missing – replace it. We’ve got you covered with wheels here.

Now that your longboard is ready, grab your helmet, head out there and have fun!  And if you have any maintenance questions, please don’t hesitate to reach us either through email or DM.